What is binomial nomenclature write the scientific name of mango plant?

What is binomial nomenclature write the scientific name of mango plant?

According to rules of binomial nomenclature, correctly written scientific name of mango is Mangifera indica Linn.

How is the scientific name of mango written?

The name is reversed with indica preceding Mangifera. C) Letter ‘L’ signifies the taxonomist, Linnaeus.

What is the domain of mango?

Mangifera indica/Domain

Is Mangifera a binomial name?

Mangifera/Scientific names

Is mango a dicotyledon or Monocotyledon?

Mango is a dicotyledonous plant. Each of its fruit has a single seed having two cotyledons. The embryo is covered by two layered seed coats – inner tegmen attached to the hilum and the outer testa.

What is the scientific name of the mango?

Sub-Class: Rosidae. Order: Sapindales. Family: Anacardiaceae. Genus: Mangifera. Species: indica. Scientific Name: Mangifera indica L. The Mango ( Mangifera indica L.), is the most economically important fruit crop in the Anacardiaceae (Cashew or poison ivy family). Other important members of this family include cashew, pistachio,

Which is an example of a binomial name?

Ans: A standard and widely accepted system of naming plants and animals is the binomial nomenclature. It involves the naming an organism with the help of two names, the genus name, and the specific name. Example – Mangifera indica is the scientific name of the mango plant.

Which is the correct binomial name for a tiger?

What is Binomial Nomenclature? 1 The scientific name of the tiger is presented as Panthera tigris. ‘Panthera’ represents the genus and ‘Tigris’ represents a particular species or specific epithet. 2 The scientific name of humans is presented as Homo sapiens. 3 The Indian bullfrog is scientifically written as Rana tigrina.

Is the International Code of biological nomenclature binomial?

The nomenclature system is also guided by the rules laid down in the International Code of Biological Nomenclature. Q: Define Binomial Nomenclature. Ans: A standard and widely accepted system of naming plants and animals is the binomial nomenclature.