What is an example of circumstance?

What is an example of circumstance?

The definition of a circumstance is a state that you are in, the details surrounding a situation, or a condition that causes something to occur. An example of a circumstance is when you are very poor. noun. 20. 8.

What is a good sentence for circumstance?

Examples of circumstance in a Sentence I can’t imagine a circumstance in which I would do that. The circumstances of his death are suspicious. She says that her client is a victim of circumstance and should not be blamed for the accident. He was a victim of circumstances.

What is a circumstance in grammar?

Circumstance, in the grammar of Systemic Functional Linguistics, is the component associated with the process in transitivity system in the experiential strand of meaning. The implicit mode of Angle in English expands the meaning potential of projection so that the conventional meaning is altered.

Is it in the circumstances or under the circumstances?

You can use in the circumstances or under the circumstances before or after a statement to indicate that you have considered the conditions affecting the situation before making the statement. Under the circumstances, a crash was unavoidable.

What does personal circumstances mean?

Well, personal circumstances could mean anything or nothing, depending on how honest your student is being. For me the ‘true/truthful’ meaning of it is ‘related to you personally or to your family’, e.g. My wife/child was so ill this morning that I couldn’t leave the house.

What means life circumstances?

Life Circumstances are the circumstances in which people live which impact directly on their health both mentally and physically (Scottish Public Health Observatory). These circumstances can include: Living conditions e.g. secure housing, locality, overcrowding, green space, traffic.

What are circumstances in writing?

an unessential or secondary accompaniment of any fact or event; minor detail: The author dwells on circumstances rather than essentials.

What is circumstance in the structure of sentence?

Circumstances contribute additional, and frequently optional, information regarding the who, when, where, how, for how long, and so on, of the process. They are typically realised by adverb phrases and prepositional phrases (e.g. last Saturday, very quickly, on my pillow, before the meeting).