What is an example of a climax sentence?

What is an example of a climax sentence?

Examples of climax in a Sentence At the novel’s climax, the main character finds herself face to face with the thief. the climax of her career The protest in May was the climax of a series of demonstrations in the nation’s capital. Verb The movie climaxes with a fantastic chase scene.

What does the word climax mean in a sentence?

noun. the highest or most intense point in the development or resolution of something; culmination: His career reached its climax when he was elected president.

How do you write a climax paragraph?

5 Tips for Improving Your Story’s Climax

  1. Write the end first. Often during the writing process, tension evaporates in the middle of a novel, so it’s a good idea to write your ending first.
  2. Use a prologue to hint at your climax.
  3. Think of your storyline as a path.
  4. Use a crucible.
  5. Remember genre.

What is climax in slang?

1. (slang) An orgasm.

Why is climax used?

The Function of Climax Climax is necessary to a story because it marks a transition away from action. In doing so, climax allows a story to have a high point that adds excitement and a reason to feel invested in the story.

How would you use the word climax in a sentence?

(1) The crisis reached its climax in the 1970s.

  • (2) The climax of the celebration was a firework display.
  • (3) For Pritchard,reaching an Olympics was the climax of her career.
  • (4) The story works up to a climax as it draws to a close.
  • (5) The climax of the air show was a daring flying display.
  • (6) She found it hard to achieve a/reach climax.
  • Can You give Me an example of climax sentence?

    Here are some examples. All things have their climax, and France is tending swiftly to the climax of her serfdom. The sextet is well divided from the Octave, the climax is clearly underlined. Eight meetings announced him as headliner, with Cooper Union as the climax. The movement initiated by the priest of Abba island had attained its climax.

    What does climax mean in literary terms?

    Climax as a Stylistic Device. As a stylistic device, the term climax refers to a literary device in which words, phrases, and clauses are arranged in an order to increase their importance within the sentence.

    What does climax mean in reading a story?

    Climax is the highest point of tension or drama in a narratives ‘ plot. Often, climax is also when the main problem of the story is faced and solved by the main character or protagonist. The phrase climax is derived from the Greek word klimax meaning “ladder.” Reading a story is like climbing a ladder, with the climax at the top.