What group is a characteristic of alcohol?

What group is a characteristic of alcohol?

The alcohol functional group: Alcohols are characterized by the presence of an -OH group, which is generally in a bent shape, like that of water.

What is the classification of alcohol?

Organic compound

What are the characteristic of alcohol?

Alcohol has three major characteristics; it is a nutrient (energy source), a psycho-active drug and a toxin.

Which of the following is a characteristic of alcohols?

Which of the following is a characteristic of alcohols? Each contains the functional group −OH attached to a carbon atom via a single bond.

What is the characteristic of alcohol?

Which of the following is characteristic of alcohol dependence?

Compulsive preoccupation – worrying compulsively about getting a “fix” and spending a lot of their time thinking about the drug. Continued use of the drug of choice despite negative consequences – losing control of the ability to monitor how much and how often the user takes their drug.

What are the characteristics of alcohol chemistry?

Properties of Alcohols

  • Alcohols are colourless.
  • They generally give a sweet smell except glycerol and few lower alcohols.
  • They are flammable and produce blue flame.
  • They don’t produce any smoke while burning.
  • They are generally liquid at room temperature.

What is a alcohol group?

Alcohol is an homologous series in which the compounds contain a functional group called the hydroxyl group (-OH). The general molecular formula for alcohols is CnH2n+1OH. Alcohols are all derivatives of hydrocarbons in which one or more of the hydrogen atoms in the hydrocarbon have been replaced by a hydroxyl group.

What is alcohol group in chemistry?

alcohol, any of a class of organic compounds characterized by one or more hydroxyl (―OH) groups attached to a carbon atom of an alkyl group (hydrocarbon chain). For example, in ethanol (or ethyl alcohol) the alkyl group is the ethyl group, ―CH2CH3.

Which of the following is a characteristic of alcohol dependence?

What is a characteristic of alcohol?

Which of the following factors affect a person’s rate of alcohol absorption?

Factors affecting a person’s absorption of alcohol include the person’s weight, their biological sex, the amount of food in their digestive tract, and the number of alcoholic beverages they have consumed.

How is a compound substituted substituent group formed?

A compound substituted substituent group is formed by substituting one or more simple substituents into another simple substituent that is considered as the principal chain. The choice of the principal chain is fully discussed in Section P-44.3.

Which is a tertiary alcohol that cannot be oxidized?

Tertiary alcohols cannot be oxidized, as the carbon atom has no orbitals left for forming a double bond with the oxygen atom. Phenol is a type of alcohol where the hydroxyl group is bound to an aromatic ring. It is an exception to the rule that the hydroxyl group must be attached to a saturated carbon.

When does an aldehyde become a substituent on another chain?

When an aldehyde is a substituent on a ring, it is referred to as a -carbaldehyde group. When the -COR group becomes a substituent on another chain, it is referred to as an acyl group and the name is formed using the suffix -yl. When the carbonyl group becomes a substituent on another chain, it is referred to as an oxo group.

Why is COOH not considered to be an alcohol?

COOH) is not an alcohol despite having a hydroxyl group. This is because the carbon atom to which the hydroxyl group is attached is unsaturated, as it is double bonded with an oxygen atom. Instead, acetic acid is a carboxylic acid.