What goes down up but not up down?

What goes down up but not up down?

The answer is: Stairs.

What goes thru a door but never comes in or out?

The Answer to This Awesome What Goes Through a Door But Never Goes In And Never Comes Out? Riddle is Keyhole.

Why are there no cats on Mars?

The Explanation to Why are there no living cats on mars? Riddle is that while cats (particularly those of Ulthar) are said to be able to jump to the Moon, Mars is presumably a leap too far, thus there are no cats, living or dead on the red planet.

What is something that goes up and never comes down?

The answer to the famous riddle ‘what goes up but never comes down?’ is ‘your age’. A person’s age is something that will always increase (go up) and will never decrease (go down). There are many alternative answers to this riddle, but ‘your age’ is the classic retort. As one of the oldest and most famous riddles quoted,…

What goes up and never comes down Riddle?

The riddle ‘what goes up but never comes down?’ is an example of a conundrum. The question relies on the pun that is referring to something going up or down. Typically this is an action that is associated to an object but in fact the answer is nothing solid.

What comes up but never comes down?

Hot air goes up and never goes down. It turns into cold air and then goes down but then it’s not warm air so the warm air isn’t going down. It goes up and then when it hits high enough to get cold it stops, gets cold and drops. honnette says. April 29, 2020 @ 11:11.

Does what goes up also come down?

what goes up must come down. Any person or thing experiencing a large rise or surge (e.g., in success, cost, popularity, etc.) will inevitably see a fall or return to normal. A reference to the law of gravity, that anything raised into the air will inevitably come back down to the ground. The toy exploded in popularity just before Christmas that year, with stores around the country having trouble keeping it stocked.