What does it mean to be a factious?

What does it mean to be a factious?

: of or relating to faction: such as. a : caused by faction factious disputes. b : inclined to faction or the formation of factions. c : seditious.

What is an example of fatuous?

The definition of fatuous is foolish or silly. An example of fatuous is the nature of a clown. Complacently stupid or inane; silly; foolish.

What does a factious man mean?

Webster Dictionary Factiousadjective. given to faction; addicted to form parties and raise dissensions, in opposition to government or the common good; turbulent; seditious; prone to clamor against public measures or men; — said of persons.

How do you remember factious?

so factitious is artificial where as facetious is humurous. factitious = tears (artificial) facetious = joy (humour). remember this as analogy.

What is a fatuous remark?

adjective. If you describe a person, action, or remark as fatuous, you think that they are extremely silly, showing a lack of intelligence or thought. [formal, disapproval] The Chief was left speechless by this fatuous remark.

What’s consummate love?

Consummate love is the complete form of love, representing the ideal relationship toward which many people strive but which apparently few achieve. Sternberg cautions that maintaining a consummate love may be even harder than achieving it. For example, if passion is lost over time, it may change into companionate love.

What does a petulant child mean?

The adjective, petulant, is a disapproving term used to describe a bad-tempered child, an adult behaving like an angry child or behavior of this type. Angry or annoyed mean the same thing, but if you choose the word, petulant, you are indicating that it is unreasonable or unjustified.

Which is the best definition of the word fatuous?

Definition of fatuous : complacently or inanely foolish : silly a fatuous remark a fatuous socialite with a near-pathological love of parties and shopping — Janet Maslin Other Words from fatuous Synonyms & Antonyms Choose the Right Synonym What is the origin of infatuated?

Which is the best definition of the word factious?

adjective given to faction; dissentious: A factious group was trying to undermine the government. pertaining to or proceeding from faction: factious quarrels.

Which is the best definition of the word foolish?

simple, foolish, silly, fatuous, asinine mean actually or apparently deficient in intelligence. simple implies a degree of intelligence inadequate to cope with anything complex or involving mental effort.