What does it mean if something is mandatory?

What does it mean if something is mandatory?

1 : required by a law or rule : obligatory the mandatory retirement age. 2 : of, by, relating to, or holding a League of Nations mandate. mandatory. noun.

What is an example of mandatory?

Required or commanded by authority; obligatory. Attendance at the meeting is mandatory. The definition of mandatory is something that is required. An example of mandatory is an employer requiring potential employees to take a drug test.

Does mandatory mean required by law?

Mandatory refers to something that is required, and not optional or subject to discretion. In legal construction of statutes, mandatory requirements of law are typically found by the use of words such as “must”, “will” and “shall”.

Is mandate and mandatory the same?

As nouns the difference between mandate and mandatory is that mandate is an official or authoritative command; an order or injunction; a commission; a judicial precept while mandatory is (dated|rare) a person, organisation or state who receives a mandate; a mandatary.

What is the difference between a law and a mandate?

A law and a mandate have the same power to be enforced. The only difference is how it came to be. A law is passed by the senate and the house of representatives and signed by the governor. A mandate is made by the governor, with the power given to them by the legislature in a state of emergency.

What is mandatory spending in government?

Mandatory—or direct—spending includes spending for entitlement programs and certain other payments to people, businesses, and state and local governments. Mandatory spending is generally governed by statutory criteria; it is not normally set by annual appropriation acts.

What does mandate mean for President?

In politics, a mandate is the authority granted by a constituency to act as its representative. Elections, especially ones with a large margin of victory, and are often said to give the newly elected government or elected official an implicit mandate to put into effect certain policies.

What is a mandated law?

Mandate could mean the following: An order from an appellate court directing a lower court to take a specified action. A judicial command directed to an officer of the court to enforce a court order, judgment sentence or decree.

What does mandate mean legally?

1 : an authoritative command especially : a formal order from a superior court or official to an inferior one. 2 : an authorization to act given to a representative accepted the mandate of the people.

Are food stamps mandatory or discretionary spending?

Domestic food assistance funding is primarily mandatory but also includes discretionary funding. Most of the programs’ funding is for open-ended, appropriated mandatory spending—that is, terms of the authorizing law require full funding and funding may vary with program participation (and in some cases inflation).

Mandatory Law and Legal Definition. Mandatory refers to something that is required, and not optional or subject to discretion. In legal construction of statutes, mandatory requirements of law are typically found by the use of words such as “must”, “will” and “shall”.

What does the name mandatory mean?

1. mandatory ( n.) the recipient of a mandate; Synonyms: mandatary. mandatory ( n.) a territory surrendered by Turkey or Germany after World War I and put under the tutelage of some other European power until they are able to stand by themselves; Synonyms: mandate. 2. mandatory ( adj.)

What are mandatory requirements?

Definition of Mandatory Requirements Mandatory Requirements means the minimum elements that a Proposal must contain in order to receive further consideration, as set out in Section 4.3.

What does mandatory mean?

mandatory(Noun) A person, organisation or state who receives a mandate; a mandatary. mandatory(Adjective) Obligatory; required or commanded by authority. Attendance at a school is usually mandatory.