What does Gertrude disclose to Claudius?

What does Gertrude disclose to Claudius?

Frantic after her confrontation with Hamlet, Gertrude hurries to Claudius, who is conferring with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. She asks to speak to the king alone. She says that he is as mad as the sea during a violent storm; she also tells Claudius that Hamlet has killed Polonius.

What did Gertrude admit?

Gertrude admits to having “black and grained spots”–an inkling! or at least a dye-ling–“in (her) very soul” (III. iv. 90, 89), but she confesses nothing even after Hamlet urges her to “confess (her)self to heaven” (III.

What two things does Gertrude say?


  • Do not forever with thy vailèd lids. Seek for thy noble father in the dust. Thou knowst ’tis common: all that lives must die, Passing through nature to eternity.
  • The lady doth protest too much, methinks. (III. ii.)
  • This is the very coinage of your brain. This bodiless creation ecstasy. Is very cunning in.

Does Gertrude really love Claudius?

Even though Hamlet lashes out at her with all the rage he can muster, Gertrude remains faithful to him, protecting him fron the King. And, although her love for Claudius is wrong by moral standards, she is now his queen, and remains loyal to him.

What does Gertrude disclose to Claudius does she have any guilt?

what does this scene reveal about Gertrude’s guilt? she feels guilty about marring her husbands brother but it does seem like she knew about the murder. what aspect of Gertrude and Claudius marriage still clearly brother Hamlet the most?

Does Gertrude Tell Claudius the truth about what happened?

Gertrude does not tell Claudius the truth of what happened between her and Hamlet. She only says that Hamlet killed Polonius, not telling him of how Hamlet feels or how she will try to lean away from him.

Did Gertrude know about Claudius?

Does Gertrude know that Claudius killed Hamlet’s father? In Shakespeare’s Hamlet, the general scholarly consensus is no, the Queen does not know that Claudius killed Hamlet’s father until Hamlet tells her.

What does this scene reveal about Gertrude’s guilt?

What is the relationship between Claudius and Gertrude?

Q: What is the relationship between Claudius and Gertrude? Claudius is Gertrude’s brother-in-law in the play. After he kills his brother for the crown, he lies to Gertrude and marries her.

What scene is Gertrude?

Role in the play Gertrude is first seen in Act 1 Scene 2 as she tries to cheer Hamlet over the loss of his father, begging him to stay at home rather than going back to school in Wittenberg.

Why does Gertrude feel guilty?

In Act 4, Scene 5, Gertrude states her guilt over Polonius’s death, since she knew he was hiding behind the arras and did not alert Hamlet to his presence. Her lack of action and judgment prove her culpable for the eventual deaths of Laertes, Hamlet, and herself, and possibly the deaths of Polonius and Ophelia.

What does it appear Gertrude has told Claudius what has Gertrude not told Claudius?

How did Gertrude find out about her husband’s murder?

Gertrude discovers the murder of her first husband by Claudius. Yet she is too weak to say or do anything about it. Hamlet tells her to “confess yourself to heaven/ repent what’s past, avoid what is to come/ and do not spread the compost on the weeds/ to make them ranker” (3.

Who is Gertrude in on the death of the king?

Gertrude is Hamlet’s mother and Queen of Denmark. She was married to the murdered King Hamlet (represented by the Ghost in the play) and has subsequently wed Claudius, his brother. Furthermore, was Gertrude in on the death of the king? Gertrude (Hamlet) In William Shakespeare’s play Hamlet, Gertrude is Hamlet’s mother and Queen of Denmark.

Why did Gertrude not believe the words hamlet told her?

Due to the fact that Gertrude needs a man in her life, she does not want to believe the words Hamlet tells her about Claudius, and is obliviously ignoring the corruption around her. Gertrude is controlled by Claudius. He manipulates her opinion of what is best for Hamlet. This shows Gertrude’s inability to think for herself.

Why does Gertrude have suspicions that the drink is poisoned?

It can be played such that Gertrude has suspicions or even deduced that the drink is poisoned. It could be a way for her to attempt to save her son, or she might very well be taking the different way out of the plot, following Ophelia into suicide.