What does Eckels do when he sees the dinosaur?

What does Eckels do when he sees the dinosaur?

The response of Eckels when he sees the tyrannosaurus rex is to completely lose faith that it can ever be killed, and he looks at the gun in his hand and sees something that will never be able to even hurt the massive and formidable creature in front of him.

What is Eckels response to the Tyrannosaurus?

Expert Answers Eckels is completely overawed by the sudden appearance of the Tyrannosaurus Rex. It’s quite unlike anything he’s ever seen before. Towering thirty feet above the trees, this majestic—but savage—creature looks for all the world like it could just reach up and grab the moon.

Did Eckels kill the dinosaur?

Travis tells him to go back to the time machine, but Eckels panics, steps off the path, and stumbles into the forest. Eckels hears shots, and on his return, he sees that the two guides have killed the dinosaur, and shortly afterward the falling tree that would have killed the T.

Why does Eckels want to kill a dinosaur?

Eckels wants to kill a dinosaur solely for the experience of hunting such rare and dangerous prey. Eckels wants to be able to shoot and kill a dinosaur: something he could hardly do without traveling back in time.

How does Eckels react when he sees the dinosaur What do the guides tell him to do what is their the guides tone?

Expert Answers When Eckels confronts the dinosaur, his initial reaction is one of disbelief. He says that it is “impossible” to kill this dinosaur and that they were “fools” to come. In other words, Eckels has seen the size and scale of the dinosaur and has lost his nerve.

How does Eckels react when the Tyrannosaurus rex appears briefly describe what he and the other men do?

How does Eckels react when the T-Rex appears? Briefly describe what he and the other men do. Eckels is terrified. He runs away off of the path.

What did Eckels do when it was time to shoot the T Rex?

He goes back into the time machine and just lies there, shivering, while the other men take down the T. Rex. His foolish reaction also foreshadows the foolish error he’s about to make. In his haste to hide himself in the time machine, Eckels steps off the path, changing history forever.

Does Travis kill Eckels or himself?

Travis kills Eckels at the end of the story because Eckels disobeyed the rules of traveling back into time to the dinosaur age—but as we will see, Bradbury implies it is more complicated than that. This act has consequences that reach all the way to present time.

When Eckels first saw the dinosaur His verdict was that it could not be killed?

“It can’t be killed,” Eckels pronounced this verdict quietly, as if there could be no argument. He had weighed the evidence and this was his considered opinion. The rifle in his hands seemed a cap gun. “We were fools to come.

Which belief leads Eckels to decide against trying to kill the dinosaur?

Q. Which of the following beliefs leads Eckels to decide against trying to kill the dinosaur? There is no way that the dinosaur can be killed.

What does Eckels say when he sees the size of the dinosaur?

what does Eckels say when he sees the size of the dinosaur? he said it could touch the moon. how do the men know which dinosaurs they can shoot? the red paint on their chest.

How does Eckels react when he confronts the dinosaur?

When Eckels confronts the dinosaur, his initial reaction is one of disbelief. He says that it is “impossible” to kill this dinosaur and that they were “fools” to come. In other words, Eckels has seen the size and scale of the dinosaur and has lost his nerve. When the dinosaur raises itself up, his reaction becomes very fearful.

What happens to Eckels in the sound of Thunder?

When he travels into the pre-historic past, Eckels steps off the anti-gravity path made by Time Safari, Inc., and in so doing, he kills a butterfly. This act has consequences that reach all the way…

Why was Mr Eckels nervous on his safari?

He also jokes that he’d be running away to the past if the election had gone differently, ironically foreshadowing the ways in which his trip will change history. Eckels is nervous as he departs on his safari with Mr. Travis, Lesperance, and two other hunters.

Why does Travis kill Eckels at the end of the book?

Travis kills Eckels at the end of the story. Why does he do this? Travis kills Eckels at the end of the story because Eckels disobeyed the rules of traveling back into time to the dinosaur age—but as we will see, Bradbury implies it is more complicated than…
