What does drop the soap mean slang?

What does drop the soap mean slang?

vulgar Mocking pseudo-advice given to a man who might be or is about to be sent to prison, referring to prison rape that may occur if one bends over to retrieve dropped soap in the shower, thus exposing himself.

What does Dont drop the soap in jail mean?

(idiomatic) Used as a mockery to someone who is about to be or should be confined in prison.

Whats stoned mean?

Definition of stoned 1 : drunk sense 1a. 2 : being under the influence of a drug (such as marijuana) taken especially for pleasure : high.

What does drop the mic means?

A mic drop is an emphatic and declarative gesture signifying the conclusion of a performance of note, often literally (or as if) dropping a microphone.

What is the routine in jail?

Inmates wake up at 5:30 AM and have 45 minutes to shower, clean up and make their bed. They go to the dining hall and eat breakfast in shifts beginning at 6:15. The inmates assemble for the count, search and assignment to the road squads at 8 AM and over the next 30 minutes travel to their worksite.

Why are stoners called stoners?

The origins of the word “stoner” are unclear, but we’ve narrowed down a few theories. It may derive from the Italian word “stonato,” which means “bewildered, confused, or dazed.” Or it might be a metaphor, rooted in literally getting stoned, or having rocks thrown at you.

What does word prodded mean?

to poke or jab with or as if with something pointed: I prodded him with my elbow. to rouse or incite as if by poking; nag; goad.

What does the saying ” he dropped the soap ” mean?

English (US) It refers to inmates in prison when showering. If one drops the soap, they have to pick it up and it leaves them vulnerable to an attack or being taken advantaged. So basically if you drop the soap, you screwed up and have to deal with the result of that.

What happens if you drop the soap in the shower?

In prison culture, it is commonly believed that if you drop the soap in the shower, when you go to pick it up, one of two pieces of anatomy will be placed in a highly violatable position. In a place where there is little to no contact with the opposite sex, inmates tend to take their sexual frustration out on…

What happens if you drop a bar of soap in a prison?

Don’t drop a bar of soap in a prison (it is commonly stereotyped that if a bar of soap is dropped in a prison’s male showers, when bending down to pick it up, the person will be violently and sexually assaulted.

What happens if you drop the soap on your butt?

If you drop the soap you will be bent over at the waist leaving your butt in the air and susceptible to being raped by anybody. Usually it’s an expression used for jail.