What do you call people pretending?

What do you call people pretending?

imposter Add to list Share. An imposter is a person who pretends to be someone else. An imposter usually seeks some kind of financial gain when he or she assumes another person’s identity, but there can be other motivations, like simply the thrill of doing it.

What is it called when you pretend to be bad at something?

One of the definitions of “hustle” is to pretend to be bad at something in order to make a bet with someone over a game (eg of pool or basketball), and then reveal during the game that you’re actually very good at it, and proceed to beat the other person and win the bet.

What is Pretent?

pretent. Pertent: when someone is verbally taking or preferring action(s) of their own ideas, to place it/those upon others.

What does it mean when someone pretends not to know something?

‘Fronting’ is more likely to mean the person is is pretending to know more than they do. Taking the piss – yes somebody pretending not to know something, could be described as ‘taking the piss’, but refers to people being untruthful in general, it’s not specific to pretend ignorance.

What does the idiom’pretending to be a boot’mean?

I.e. pretending to be stupid or pretending not to understand something rather obvious, or pretending not to know something that you know; in other words, consciously imitating ignorance, indifference, or innocence. In Russian, the idiom is to pretend to be a fire hose (прикидываться шлангом) or to pretend to be a boot (прикидываться валенком).

What does the idiom’pretend to be dead’mean?

Apparently opossums can pretend to be dead, hence the idiom. It is used for feigning ignorance or pretending to be asleep. I am sure you know the perpetrators, don’t play possum! Artfully deflecting questions can be considered a type of stonewalling, but it has too broad a definition to apply exclusively to your question.