What attitudes and dispositions are to be nurtured for participation in a democracy?

What attitudes and dispositions are to be nurtured for participation in a democracy?

The skills and dispositions needed to actively participate in all aspects of democratic life include: the ability to think critically, a sense of efficacy, a commitment to compassionate action, and a desire to actively participate in political life by engaging in local decision-making processes, lobbying, voting, etc..

What is meant by the concepts of citizenship and citizen?

A citizen is a participatory member of a political community. Citizenship is gained by meeting the legal requirements of a national, state, or local government. A nation grants certain rights and privileges to its citizens. In return, citizens are expected to obey their country’s laws and defend it against its enemies.

What are two concepts that Civics teaches?

In their research, Westheimer and Kahne pinpointed three concepts of good citizenship that may be seen as the base for the ideal types of civic education: personal responsibility, participation and justice driven.

Why it is important that learners to understand the notion of democracy in the new South Africa?

Explain why it is important that learners to understand the notion of democracy in the new South Africa (after apartheid). The notion of democracy creates a greater knowledge of politics through civic education and this creates a positive attitude towards democracy.

How does the concept of individualism help explain the Renaissance?

The concept of individualism, which was linked closely to humanist thought, had a profound impact on the Renaissance movement by encouraging the individual to flourish in all areas of life. Prior to the Renaissance, Italy and much of Europe were entrenched in…

What was the impact of individualism on society?

These interests in turn encouraged a renewed interest in the individual abilities and achievements of the individual. Individualism allowed scientists, inventors, artists, musicians and philosophers to flourish, encouraging them to produce work for the benefit and enjoyment of society.

How is the interdependent self related to collectivism?

Similar closeness is felt for other relatives, friends, and coworkers. Thus, they have an analogue self. whereas interdependent self has a less rigid and amorphous boundary (shown by a dashed line). This is a consequence of the holistic view of the world held by people in collectivist cultures. In separated from the rest of nature.

What is the difference between individualism and collectivism?

Individualism is frequently in contrast with the Collectivism. In Collectivism, people sacrifice their satisfaction for the benefit of others. They focus more on building personal identity and autonomy, which has a significant influence on how a community functions.