What are the three main spiritual beings?

What are the three main spiritual beings?

The commonly known spiritual beings are: malekat (angels), Iblis (devils), setan (satans) and jinn (genies).

How many spirits are there?

Including the Spirit of the Lord, and the Spirits of wisdom, of understanding, of counsel, of might, of knowledge and of fear of the LORD, here are represented the seven Spirits, which are before the throne of God.

How can I receive the Holy Spirit?

Peter, in his Pentecost sermon, gives to us the answer: “Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” To be filled and led by the Spirit of God does not require any great spiritual work on our part.

What is the gift of vision?

WHAT IS GIFT OF VISION? As the name suggests, Gift of Vision is the programme which was initiated with the aim of reaching out to the rural community and provide timely eye care interventions to prevent and cure blindness, and thereby provide the Gift of Vision.

What are the different types of spiritual beings?

So to recap, the 6 main groups of Spiritual Beings are 1 Animal Guides 2 Spirit Guides 3 Ascended Masters 4 Ancestors 5 Angels 6 Elemental Spirits

Are there different types of spirits on Earth?

There are six different types of Spirit who you can connect with while still on earth in the physical world, and each group has a different general job and plays a different role in your life.

Are there different types of evil spirits in the Bible?

In almost all of our articles we reveal spiritual issues that talk about different types of evil spirits. These are the demons who are part of the kingdom of satan. The Bible reveals that there are only 7 types of demons, though there are probably millions or billions of these demon entities in the world (some are more wicked than others).

Are there still spirits in the spirit realm?

Spirits from the spiritual realm are still in need of more souls. And needless to say, these spirits from the spiritual realm are working overtime to destroy man and take their souls to hell. And speaking of hell, it is in the spiritual realm and not in a land far, far away as we are made to believe.