What are the obligations of members of the family?

What are the obligations of members of the family?

Providing love and care for the wife and children. Providing moral guidance for the children. Supplying the basic necessities of life such as food, shelter and clothing for the family. Providing the children with quality education.

What are some examples of family obligations?

What are family responsibilities in the activities section, and why are they important?

  • Caring for your children.
  • Supervising a younger sibling.
  • Regularly assisting a grandparent or older adult relative.
  • Routinely taking care of household tasks like cooking, cleaning, and running errands.
  • Working to provide family income.

What are the three functions of extended family?

The Role of Grandparents and Extended Family

  • Someone who offers unconditional love.
  • A mentor who can help with problems.
  • Kindness, humor, and patience.
  • Family traditions.
  • Learning about life lessons.

What are parent obligations?

Parents are legally required to support their minor children. Supporting your kids includes providing food, clothing, shelter, and basic care. Failing to provide for your kids can lead to neglect or abuse charges in most states.

What is the extended family system?

Extended families consist of several generations of people and can include biological parents and their children as well as in-laws, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. Extended family members usually live in the same residence where they pool resources and undertake familial responsibilities.

What are the duties and responsibilities of family members?

Children help with the domestic chores in the home, they can wash plates, fetch water, sweep or do any other domestic chores asked of them. This is to prepare them for their life as adults. They also help run errands. Children are to obey and respect their parents and older ones in the family.

What are family responsibilities?

Family responsibilities can include caring for a spouse, child, or parent, being pregnant, or even the chance of becoming pregnant, caring for a disabled child, or sibling or caring for an aging parent.

What are the roles of extended family member in child development?

Provision of Basic Needs: Members of a child’s extended family play an important role in the child’s development economically because they provide the basic needs of the child, e.g., they provide food, clothes and other materials.

Who composes the extended family and what are the roles of its members?

The extended family consists of at least three generations: the grandparents on both sides, the wife/mother and the husband/father, and their children, together with parallel streams of the kin of the wife and husband. There are different types of extended families in cultures throughout the world.

Who are the members of the extended family?

Extended families consist of several generations of people and can include biological parents and their children as well as in-laws, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. From: International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences (Second Edition), 2015

What are the problems of an extended family?

Extended families often value the wider kin group more than individual relationships, which can lead to loyalty issues within the family and also cause difficulties in a couple’s relationship where a close relationship between a husband and wife may be seen as a threat to the wider kin group.

What happens when you lose a member of your extended family?

When you are grieving the loss of a member of your extended family, the company you work for may have a range of reactions if you need time off. If you don’t use bereavement leave frequently, they may approve any request you make.

What makes a blended family an extended family?

Calling members of blended families your “extended” family will vary in usage. The elements of blended families have become more and more common in recent decades. Each person’s relative closeness to step-siblings and step-parents will influence whether they’re more like immediate family or more like extended family.