What are the different types of riverine floodplains?

What are the different types of riverine floodplains?

Riverine floodplains range from narrow, confined channels (as in steep river valleys in h illy and mountainous areas) to wide, flat areas (as in much of the Midwest and in many coastal areas). In the steep narrow valleys, flooding usually occurs quickly and is of short duration, but is likely to

How are small streams and small rivers susceptible to flooding?

These same weather systems may cause flooding in hundreds of smaller basins that drain into the major river system. The streams and small rivers are also susceptible to flooding from more localized weather systems that cause intense rainfall over only a small area.

What causes flooding in the winter and spring?

Water is conveyed to larger drainage systems such as creeks, streams and rivers. During winter and spring, accumulation of snow may increase water runoff generated by both precipitation and snowmelt. Flooding problems resulting from runoff of surface water generally increase as areas become more urbanized.

How are levees and channelization related to flooding?

Channelization is one of the more drastic solutions to flooding because it can cause the draining of wetlands, which can have a negative impact on the wildlife. A. True B. False A. True Construction of levees can actually make floods worse in areas upstream and downstream from the construction. A. True B. False A. True

Why are flash floods more severe than riverine floods?

The damages caused by flash floods can be more severe than ordinary riverine floods because of the speed with which flooding occurs (possibly hindering evacuation or protection of property), the high velocity of water, and the debris load.

What kind of plants can you plant in flooded areas?

Perennial plants that tolerate standing water and flooded areas include: 1 Water hyssop 2 Pickerelweed 3 Cattail 4 Iris 5 Canna 6 Elephant’s ear 7 Swamp sunflower 8 Scarlet swamp hibiscus

What happens when rain falls on impervious surfaces?

If the rainfall intensity exceeds the evaporation rate and infiltration capacity of the soil, surface runoffoccurs. It also occurs when rainfall falls on impervious surfaces, such as roadways and other paved areas. Water flows across the surface as either confined or unconfined flow.