What are the developmental goal of Landless rural Labourers and farmers who depend only on rain?

What are the developmental goal of Landless rural Labourers and farmers who depend only on rain?

Answer:⇒ the developmental goals of landless rural labourers are : i more days of work and better wages. ii local school is able to provide quality education for their children . iii there is no social discrimination and they too can become the leaders in the village .

What is the developmental goal of a tribal woman class 10?

Answer: The objective of this program is to digitally mentor 5000 young women in India’s tribal-dominated districts. The GOAL program will give technical support to the socially and economically marginalized women for their needs to succeed, using the technology they may otherwise have not had access to.

What is the goal of farmer?

The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of human beings.

What are the developmental goals of prosperous farmers from Punjab class 10?

Development goals of the prosperous farmers from Punjab are:-

  • Low price food grains.
  • Hardworking and Cheap Labour.
  • High prices for their produce.
  • Cheap inputs used in agriculture.

What may be a developmental goal of farmers?

The developmental goals of ‘ Farmers who depend on rain for growing crops’ are to dig tubewells and canals for irrigation; higher support prices for crops; availability of hardworking and cheap labour and crop insurance.

What may be a developmental goal of a rich farmer?

Answer: Explanation: developmental goal of a rich farmer will be to educate his child with proper facilities and sen abroad for further studies.

What are the developmental goals of prosperous farmers?

Category of Person Developmental Goals / Aspirations
Prosperous farmers from Punjab Assured a high family income through higher support prices Punjab for their crops and through hardworking and cheap labourers; they should be able to settle their children abroad.
Farmers who depend only on rain for growing crops

What is ultimate goal of agriculture?

“The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of human beings.”

What are the development goals of prosperous farmer?

Explanation: Assured a high family income through higher support prices for their crops and through hardworking and cheap labourers ; they should be able to settle their children abroad and a hope for a good yield every year.

What is the developmental goal of an Adivasi from Narmada Valley?

The developmental goals of ‘an adivasi from Narmada valley’ will be providing land for cultivation and build his house, to not face social discrimination; school education for children; all year round employment for sell and PDS ration shop in village.

What are the development goals of an Adivasi from mining fields?

The developmental goals for an adivasi from mining field would be:

  • Increased wages.
  • Schooling of his children.
  • Better standard of living.
  • Good folding and clothing.