What are the defects of a timber?

What are the defects of a timber?

There are various types of defects in timber as a construction material. These defects in timber can be due to natural forces, fungi, insects, and during seasoning and conversion….

  • Dry Rot in Timber. Ad.
  • Wet Rot in Timber.
  • Brown Rot in Timber.
  • White Rot in Timber.
  • Blue Stain in Timber.
  • Heart Rot in Timber.
  • Sap Stain in Timber.

What defect is caused by the abnormal growth of a tree?

Rind gall is the defects due to abnormal growth of trees. It is the wound created on the tree while a branch breaks and parts off or gets cut. Decay may occur at that point.

Which are the defect due to seasoning in timber?

Defects due to conversion and seasoning of timber involve shakes, warping, bowing, twist, diamonding, casehardening and honey combing. Some of such important defects are discussed as under. Warping is a kind of variation from a true or plain surface and may include a one or combination of cup, bow, crook and twist.

What is artificial defect of wood?

Artificial Defects: Artificial defects are those defects which occur during the conversion and seasoning of timber. They are caused by carelessness in handling timber by man.

What are the causes of lumber defects?

There are innate defects caused by the natural characteristic of wood to shrink or expand in response to water vapor in the air. And, there are artificial and mechanical defects caused by incorrect sawing or machining (conversion), improper drying (seasoning), or improper handling and storage.

What are the defects caused by termites in the wood?

Insects like beetles, termites or marine boars eat wood, make holes and weaken the strength of the wood. Beetles are small insects that make holes in almost all the sapwoods. The larvae make tunnels through the sapwood in all directions and turn wood into powder.

What is the most common cause of a natural defect in lumber?

Lumber defects can give a unique character to a piece of wood, but for structural integrity, the defects should be kept to a minimum. Most of the following are caused by problems with cutting, stacking, or drying the wood—with the exception of naturally-occurring knots.

Does wet rot become dry rot?

As the name suggests, growth of wet rot requires a higher moisture content in the timber than dry rot does. Wet rot will begin to grow when the moisture content of the timber or other permeable surface reaches around 50%, while dry rot can grow with as little as 20%.

How do insects cause defects in timber?

Defects of Timber due to Attack by Insects Insects like beetles, termites or marine boars eat wood, make holes and weaken the strength of the wood. Beetles are small insects that make holes in almost all the sapwoods. The larvae make tunnels through the sapwood in all directions and turn wood into powder.

What is a wood defect?

Wood defects are usually an abnormality or irregularity in the wood that arise from many different causes. For example, natural and acquired wood defects can be caused from insect and fungal attack, or rapid tree growth. There are also natural wood defects that we cannot control.

What is a lumber defect?

Defects in lumber are faults that detract from the appearance and utility of the wood. Some are present when the wood is produced and others develop or become more severe as the wood ages.