What are some similarities between American culture and Mexican culture?

What are some similarities between American culture and Mexican culture?

-Both countries believe in the value of education, both teach the same subjects, many of the clothes we wear are the same as well as similar food and a value of religion plus much of American and Mexican culture blend together in certain places in the US which also makes the transition to American culture easier.

What are the different culture does America have?

The culture of the United States of America is primarily of Western origin, but its influences include European American, Asian American, African American, Latin American, Native American peoples and their cultures.

Why is Canada and the United States similar?

Canada and the United States are similar in a great many ways. The two countries are neighbors, friends, and allies; the border between the two countries is the world’s longest undefended border. Our northern states are, economically, closely integrated with Canada; many people cross the border every day for work.

What do America and Mexico have in common?

1 The United States and Mexico share many common economic interests related to trade, investment, and regulatory cooperation. The two countries share a 2,000-mile border and have extensive interconnections through the Gulf of Mexico.

Are there any similarities between America and Africa?

American’s do not typically associate their own history with Africa’s, but once presented with the similarities between the two are impossible to overlook. Slavery is an longstanding human practice, that stretches far back into our world’s history. It has played an enormous role in determining countries economic and cultural past and future.

Are there similarities and differences in different cultures?

In fact, similarities and differences are two organic elements of each culture, they embody a mutual affection and mutual tranformation in certain conditions. If similarities are the premise of the integration of cultures then the differences are the premises for the diversity within cultures.

How is American culture similar to English culture?

English and American culture are quite similar, due to shared language, religion, and the fact that America was founded by the English, lending much of its culture to the States. Over the decades, American cul…

What are the differences between American and Chinese culture?

People most comfortable in the presence of a hierarchy in which they know their position and the customs/rules for behavior in the situation. The Differences between American and Chinese cultures are Conception of the self, Communication ,Social relationships, Obedience, Work habits and practices, Risk attitude, Value and belief, Conception.