What are some fun facts about bumblebee bat?

What are some fun facts about bumblebee bat?

The bumblebee bat is the smallest mammal in the world, and it lives in caves in Thailand and Myanmar. It has fur, a hog-shaped nose, large ears, strong claws, and wings that let it hover. The bumblebee bat gives birth to one young each year, and it eats insects with the help of echolocation.

How many bumblebee bats are left?

01They are the smallest species of bats in the world. 02The bumblebee bats are listed as Near Threatened species according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). 03The current bumblebee bat population is at 6600.

What does a bumblebee bat do?

The bumblebee bat hunt insects using echolocation, emitting squeaking sounds that echo, giving the bat an accurate location of the prey. This species roosts in limestone caves with average group size of 100, although up to 500 has been observed.

What do you need to know about Bumblebee bats?

Fun Bat Facts: The Bumblebee Bats. 1 Bumblebee Bat Facts. The bumblebee bat is a unique species in that it is so small. It is one of the smallest animals in the world, and it is the 2 Physical Appearance. 3 Where to Find Bumblebee Bats. 4 Feeding Habits. 5 Offspring.

How did the bumblebee bat get its name?

The official name of the Bumblebee Bat is actually Kitti’s Hog-nosed Bat, named after the local Thai biologist Kitti Thonglongya who first discovered these fascinating animals back in 1973.

How many teeth does a bumblebee bat have?

The length of the bum­ble­bee bat fore­arms are 22 to 26 m, and adults weigh be­tween 1.7 and 2.0 g. It also has small eyes that are mostly hid­den by fur. Bum­ble­bee bats have 28 teeth, which in­cludes rel­a­tively large in­cisors. The lower in­cisors are long and nar­row.

Where are Bumblebee bats found in the world?

Geographic Range. Bumblebee bats () are found in the Oriental Region of the world. They are found in Thailand, in the Bilauktaung mountain ranges in the western part of the country; Bumblebee bats are mainly located in the Sai Yoke, Kanchanaburi Province.