What are editorials in journalism?

What are editorials in journalism?

An editorial (US), leading article or leader (UK) is an article written by the senior editorial people or publisher of a newspaper, magazine, or any other written document, often unsigned. Many newspapers publish their editorials without the name of the leader writer.

What is the purpose of an editorial in a newspaper?

It tackles recent events and issues, and attempts to formulate viewpoints based on an objective analysis of happenings and conflicting/contrary opinions. An editorial is predominantly about balance.

What is the authors purpose in an editorial?

“An editorial is nonfiction; in paragraph form; punctuation is necessary; its purpose is to inform, persuade, or to comment; and it’s found in newspapers, magazines, TV, and online.”

What are the two categories of a newspaper article?

Most newspaper articles break down into two categories: News articles. Feature articles.

What are the news elements?

There are nine elements of news which enhance the news value.

  • Immediacy. Immediacy or timeliness is an important requisite of news.
  • Proximity. Proximity or nearness refers to geographic nearness.
  • Consequences.
  • Prominence.
  • Drama.
  • Oddity.
  • Conflict.
  • Sex.

What is the purpose of an editorial page?

The editorial page serves as a place for the newspaper publisher to express his or her opinion. It can also contain opinion pieces written by local residents and readers. The publisher will often write an editorial to express the newspaper’s opinion about a particular issue.

What are the characteristics of good editorial writing?

1 Introduction, body and conclusion like other news stories 2 An objective explanation of the issue, especially complex issues 3 A timely news angle 4 Opinions from the opposing viewpoint that refute directly the same issues the writer addresses 5 The opinions of the writer delivered in a professional manner.

What are the different types of editorials?

Four Types of Editorials. v Editorials of tribute, appreciation or commendation praise a person or an activity. v Editorials of entertainment have two categories. One is the short humorous treatment of a light topic. The second is a slightly satirical treatment of a serious subject. (Satire is the use of sarcasm or keen wit…

Which is an example of an editorial of persuasion?

Political endorsements are good examples of editorials of persuasion. 4. Praise:These editorials commend people and organizations for something done well. They are not as common as the other three.