How much oil does a Sportster transmission take?

How much oil does a Sportster transmission take?

Insert the nozzle of a funnel into the primary chain inspection hole. Pouring slowly, pour approximately 1 qt of oil into the transmission. As you pour, watch the clutch inspection hole. Make sure that the oil level stays below the edge of the clutch inspection hole.

How often should you change Harley Davidson transmission fluid?

How often should I change the tranny oil in my Harley? According to the manufacturer’s service manual, you should change the engine oil at 5,000 miles. Primary oil should change at 10,000 miles, and trans fluid at 20,000 miles. A transmission oil change should happen every year.

What kind of oil does a 2003 Sportster take?

AMSOIL synthetic lubricants are the solution for riders who want the most from their 2003 Harley-Davidson XL/XLH Sportster. They resist the devastating effects of extreme heat, even in rally or parade traffic on hot days.

How often do you change the oil on a Sportster?

Sportster Transmission Oil Change. After the 1000 mile check-up, the Sportster transmission oil is changed every 10,000 miles. Changing the transmission fluid is a straight forward procedure, and for about $10.00 in parts, is a much cheaper solution than bringing it to the dealer.

Where to put primary lubricant in Sportster transmission?

Using a funnel, pour 32 ounces (one bottle) of Harley Davidson Transmission and Primary Chaincase Lubricant into the primary chain inspection hole. According to the Sportster maintenance book, the fluid level should not go above the bottom of the clutch diaphragm spring.

How to remove oil from a Harley Davidson transmission?

Place a drain pan underneath the drain plug. Using a wrench, unscrew the transmission drain plug and remove it. Your drain plug may be 5/8″ or 3/4″ depending on the year. Allow all the oil to drain out of the transmission.

How often do you change the oil on a Harley Davidson Evolution?

The Evolution Sportsters have wet clutch and primary drives. It is recommended to change the oil at 1,000 miles, then every 10,000 miles after that. The manufacturer recommends using 20w50 oil.