How many kilos from Cape Town to Polokwane?

How many kilos from Cape Town to Polokwane?

The driving distance between Cape Town and Polokwane is 1713.3km and it would take you 21 Hours 25 minutes if you average 80 km/h (49 mph).

How much is bus from Cape Town to Polokwane?

The cheapest way to get from Polokwane to Cape Town is to bus which costs R 550 – R 650 and takes 24h 10m.

How long does it take from Limpopo to Cape Town?

Distance from Cape Town to Limpopo. The driving distance between Cape Town and Limpopo is 1779.8km and it would take you 22 Hours 15 minutes if you average 80 km/h (49 mph).

How far apart are Johannesburg and Cape Town?

Distance from Cape Town to Johannesburg. The driving distance between Cape Town and Johannesburg is 1398.2km and it would take you 17 Hours 29 minutes if you average 80 km/h (49 mph). The Flying time between Cape Town and Johannesburg is 1 Hours 24 minutes since you would need to travel 1262.4 km.

How much is the bus from Limpopo to Cape Town?

The best way to get from Limpopo to Cape Town without a car is to bus via Pretoria which takes 26h 17m and costs R 600 – R 850.

How long is flight from Limpopo to Cape Town?

A one-way nonstop (direct) flight between Hoedspruit, Limpopo and Cape Town takes around 2.8 hours.

Is Limpopo close to Cape Town?

The distance between Limpopo and Cape Town is 1578 km. The road distance is 1713.5 km.

How many kilos is it from Durban to Cape Town?

The driving distance between Cape Town and Durban is 1636.1km and it would take you 20 Hours 27 minutes if you average 80 km/h (49 mph).

What is the difference between full Flexi and Saver?

SAVER tickets offer the best fares, however have limited availability and are more restrictive when it come to cancelling or changing a booking. FLEXI and FULL FLEXI tickets offer more flexibility, but are more expensive than SAVER tickets.

What is the name of the airport in Limpopo?

Polokwane International Airport
Polokwane International Airport

Polokwane International Airport Gateway Airports Authority Limited
Airport type Public
Serves Polokwane (Pietersburg), South Africa

How much is a bus from Limpopo to Cape Town?