How many gram panchayat in Kashipur block?

How many gram panchayat in Kashipur block?

13 gram panchayats
The Kashipur CD block has an area of 451.31 km2. It has 1 panchayat samity, 13 gram panchayats, 137 gram sansads (village councils), 211 mouzas, 98 inhabited villages and 3 census towns.

How many villages are there in Kashipur?

There are about 74 villages in Kashipur block, which you can browse from villages list below.

Who is DM of Purulia?

Shri Rahul Majumdar

Sl. No. Designation Name of the Officer
1 District Magistrate Shri Rahul Majumdar, WBCS (Exe)
2 Addl. District Magistrate(G) Mufti Samim Sawkat, WBCS (Exe)
3 Addl. District Magistrate (ZP) Smt. Kritika Sharma, IAS
4 Addl. District Magistrate(Dev) Shri Srikanth Palli, IAS

How many villages are in Rayagada district?

Police Station-wise List

Sl No Police Station Total Villages
10 Muniguda 156
11 Padmapur 99
12 Puttasing 61
13 Rayagada 336

What is the pin code of Kashipur?

Kashipur/Zip codes
Kashipur Udham Singh Nagar Pin Code is 244713. Pin Code is also known as Zip Code or Postal Code. Kashipur Udham Singh Nagar is located in district Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand, INDIA.

What is Kashipur state?


Who is DM of Kolkata?

Smt. Mukta Arya
Government of West Bengal

Smt. Mukta Arya, IAS
District Magistrate
Phone: 033-2641-4721 Fax: 033-2638-4913 E-Mail: admghowrah[at]gmail[dot]com Phone: 033-2638-6474 Fax: 033-2638-6474 E-Mail: aeohwhzp[at]gmail[dot]com Phone:033-2641 4480 Fax: 033-26404587 E-Mail: howrah.drdc[at]gmail[dot]com

How many blocks are there in Sambalpur district?

9 community development blocks
Administratively district is divided in to 3 sub divisions (Sambalpur, Sadar, Kuchinda and Rairakhol), 9 community development blocks namely Bamra, Dhankauda, Jamankira, Jujumura, Kuchinda, Maneswar, Naktideul, Rairakhol and Rengali with 148 Gram Panchayats and 1247 villages in it (Plate I).

How many blocks are there in Gajapati district?

7 Blocks
Gajapati District is divided into 7 Blocks.

Is Kashipur a district?

Kashipur (Kumaoni: Kāshīpur [kaːʃiːpʊr]) is a city of Udham Singh Nagar district in the Indian state of Uttarakhand, and one of its seven subdivisions.

What is PIN code Udham Singh Nagar?

You can find out the pin code of Udham Singh Nagar district in Uttarakhand right here….Udham Singh Nagar District Pin Code List.

Office Bhuria Coloney
Taluk Kichha
District Udham Singh Nagar
Pincode 263148

Which is the headquarters of Kashipur CD Block?

The Kashipur CD block has an area of 451.31 km 2. It has 1 panchayat samity, 13 gram panchayats, 137 gram sansads (village councils), 211 mouzas, 98 inhabited villages and 3 census towns. Kashipur and Adra police stations serve this block. Headquarters of this CD block are at Kalloli.

Which is a community development block in West Bengal?

Kashipur is a community development block (CD block) that forms an administrative division in the Raghunathpur subdivision of the Purulia district in the Indian state of West Bengal .

Who are the gram panchayats of Kashipur CD Block?

Gram panchayats in the Kashipur CD block/ panchayat samiti are: Agardih-Chitra, Barrah, Beko, Gagnabaid, Gourandih, Hadalda-Upprah, Kalidaha, Kashipur, Monihara, Rangamati-Ranjandih, Simla-Dhanara, Sonajuri and Sonathali.