How long is the drive from Hull to London?

How long is the drive from Hull to London?

Yes, the driving distance between Hull to London is 188 miles. It takes approximately 3h 23m to drive from Hull to London.

Where does the Hull to London train stop?

The first stop of the HULL TRAINS train route is King’s Cross and the last stop is Beverley.

How much is a train ticket from Kingston upon Hull to London?

There are normally 18 trains per day travelling from Hull to London Kings Cross and tickets for this journey start from £16 when you book in advance….Hull to London Kings Cross by train.

Journey time From 2h 30m
Price From £16
Distance 153 miles (247 km)
Frequency 18 trains per day
First train 05:17

Where is Hull in relation to London?

Hull is located in USA at the longitude of -0.34 and latitude of 53.75. London is located in United_Kingdom at the longitude of -0.13 and latitude of 51.51 . Driving Distance : 323 KM and 461 meters / 201 miles. Straight Line Distance : 249 KM and 400 meters / 155 miles.

Is Hull a good place to live?

The UK City of Culture 2017, Hull is one of the north’s most desirable places to live and visit. For those who prefer a more rural lifestyle, Hull is within an hour’s drive from some of Yorkshire’s most picturesque market and coastal towns and villages, including beautiful, ancient Beverley.

Is Hull a poor city?

Income in Hull is not among the very worst in the UK, at £466.30 – of the 10 worst places over all in our study, it has the second highest weekly gross income after South Teesside, which is in the 10th worst position. Disposable income is low, however, at £13,046 for the average household.

How long is London to Birmingham by car?

2 hours
Birmingham is 120 miles (193 kilometers) northwest of London via the M1 and M6 motorways. It takes at least 2 hours, 30 minutes to drive when there is no traffic.