How do you use run of the mill?

How do you use run of the mill?

1. He gave a fairly run-of-the-mill speech. 2. I was just a very average run-of-the-mill kind of student.

What does run of the mill meaning?

Run of the mill is an adjective meaning “average” or “not outstanding in quality or rarity.” Run-of-the-mill first began as a term for manufactured goods that had not been graded or sorted for quality and later was used in its current figurative sense.

What is meant by run of the mill wedding?

IDIOM: RUN-OF-THE-MILL – this idiom is used to mean that something is very ordinary, normal or common-place. Example: I wasn’t very impressed by their wedding. The whole celebration was very run-of-the-mill.

Where does the term run of the mill come from?

run-of-the-mill (adj.) “ordinary, unspectacular,” 1922, a figurative use of a commercial phrase attested by 1909 in reference to material yielded by a mill (n. 1), etc., before sorting for quality (compare common run “usual, ordinary type,” from 1712).

What is the opposite of run of the mill?

Opposite of lacking unusual or special aspects. extraordinary. exceptional. abnormal. odd.

Do you hyphenate run of the mill?

The idiom run of the mill was first used in the early 1900s in reference to a weaving mill, which put out unremarkable clothes for consumption by the masses. Run of the mill may be hyphenated as run-of-the-mill, but like many hyphenated words, the hyphens are quickly disappearing.

What does the idiom run the gauntlet mean?

Be exposed to danger, criticism, or other adversity, as in After he was misquoted in the interview, he knew he would have to run the gauntlet of his colleagues’ anger.

What does it mean if someone is a bore?

: one that causes weariness and restlessness through lack of interest : one that causes boredom: such as. a : a dull or tiresome person His friends are a bunch of bores. b : something that is devoid of interest The lecture was a total bore.

What is another word for good quality?

What is another word for good-quality?

superior excellent
exceptional fine
good outstanding
premium top-quality
a cut above choice

What is run off in hydrology?

Runoff is the water that is pulled by gravity across land’s surface, replenishing groundwater and surface water as it percolates into an aquifer or moves into a river, stream or watershed.

What does runoff mean in insurance?

Runoff insurance is an insurance policy provision that covers claims made against companies that have been acquired, merged, or have ceased operations.

Where did the phrase run of the mill come from?

The idiom run of the mill comes from a time when machinery began to be used in factories and mills, items that were once custom-made by hand were now cranked out for consumption by the masses. The idiom run of the mill was first used in the early 1900s in reference to a weaving mill,…

What does run of the mill mean?

Run of the mill means the usual, not out of the ordinary, unspectacular. The idiom run of the mill comes from a time when machinery began to be used in factories and mills, items that were once custom-made by hand were now cranked out for consumption by the masses.

What is the origin of run of the mill?

The idiom run of the mill was first used in the early 1900s in reference to a weaving mill, which put out unremarkable clothes for consumption by the masses.

What is run of the mill?

Last Updated: 22 Aug 2019. What to Know. Run of the mill is an adjective meaning “average” or “not outstanding in quality or rarity.”. Run-of-the-mill first began as a term for manufactured goods that had not been graded or sorted for quality and later was used in its current figurative sense.