How do you apologize for keeping waiting?

How do you apologize for keeping waiting?

“I’m sorry to keep you waiting” – can mean (a) that the person will still have to wait a bit longer or (b) the person will not have to wait any longer. It can be used in both of these cases. “I’m sorry to have kept you waiting” – always means that the person will not have to wait any longer.

What is keeping you waiting?

To force one to wait to get something or for something to happen. We were asked to be at the court at 9 AM for the hearing, but they kept us waiting for over three hours. Sorry I kept you waiting—my car ran out of gas halfway here. See also: keep, waiting.

How do you say very sorry professionally?

4How to apologize professionally in an email

  1. Explain what happened simply. While there’s no need for a detailed play-by-play, your recipient does need some context about what happened.
  2. Acknowledge your error. Don’t tiptoe around this. You messed up—it happens. Take responsibility.

How do you professionally apologize for wasting someone’s time?

I am sorry for any inconvenience this/we/I may have caused you. I would like to thank you for your time and patience.

Is keeping me waiting correct?

Re: keeping me waiting There is only one (main) verb here, which is ‘keeping’. ‘Waiting’ is a participle being used as an adjective. You could change the tense of the main verb and it wouldn’t affect the participle. “He kept me waiting.”

How do you say thank you for waiting?

Thank you for your patience, thank you for being patient, or any other similar way of speaking it. Saying this is to acknowledge that that person has been waiting for you to keep up or reach them. Ideally, no one should have to wait for you, but they did.

What’s a better word than sorry?

In this page you can discover 99 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for sorry, like: sorrowful, apologetic, regretful, grieved, remorseful, contrite, penitent, regret, melted, pitiful and beggarly.

How do you say deeply apologize?

Elements of a Perfect Apology

  1. Say you’re sorry. Not, “I’m sorry, but . . .”, just plain ol’ “I’m sorry.”
  2. Own the mistake. It’s important to show the other person that you’re willing to take responsibility for your actions.
  3. Describe what happened.
  4. Have a plan.
  5. Admit you were wrong.
  6. Ask for forgiveness.

What does it mean to say sorry to keep you waiting?

But being 5 minutes late to a lunch appointment is not a big mistake, so saying “Sorry to keep you waiting” is a perfect way to apologize. To “keep someone waiting” means to make them wait for a while. Use it like this: They kept me waiting for over an hour. I was furious! When you use “keep” in this way, it means to make something continue.

What does it mean to keep someone waiting?

I was furious! When you use “keep” in this way, it means to make something continue. So to “keep” a person waiting means that you’ve made them continue to wait. Another example is “keep (someone) guessing” which means that you do a lot of confusing things, so the person has to continue to guess what you’re going to do next.

When to say I’m sorry for what I did?

“I’m sorry for for what I did; please forgive me,” although we can use it for general regret when we’re not responsible ourselves, e.g. “I feel sorry for the hurricane victims,” and “I’m sorry for your loss” when someone else’s loved one dies.