How can I control my birth without pills?

How can I control my birth without pills?

Barrier methods

  1. Male condoms. Share on Pinterest Condoms can protect against STIs as well as pregnancy.
  2. 2. Female condoms. Female condoms are also available without a prescription.
  3. Diaphragm. A diaphragm is a barrier method of contraception that a person places inside the vagina.
  4. Cervical cap.
  5. Sponge.
  6. Spermicide.

How can I control my birth at home?

Home Remedies for Birth Control

  1. Physical Methods. Calendar method: Calendar method is a technique marking monthly menstrual cycles to check the dates falling on ovulation days on which there are maximum chances of getting pregnant.
  2. Herbs for Birth Control.
  3. Fruits and Dry Fruits.

What is the best way to control birth?

Condoms are your safer sex superhero: they’re the only way to get protection from pregnancy and STDs during vaginal sex. No birth control method is perfect. So using condoms with another type of birth control (like the implant, IUD, or pill) gives you backup protection in case either method fails.

What are the natural methods of birth control explain?

Barrier methods, such as condoms, diaphragms, sponge, cervical cap, prevent sperm from getting to the egg. Natural rhythm methods involve avoiding sex or using other forms of birth control on the days when you are most fertile (most likely to get pregnant).

How to start a natural birth control method?

In order to use many of these natural birth control methods, such as the calendar method, here are directions and guidelines to get you started: 1. Start by keeping track of your cycles for about 3-6 months.

Are there any advantages to using natural birth control?

Natural methods are typically very inexpensive compared to other methods of birth control unless a woman chooses to purchase ovulation test kits. Advantages of natural birth control. A woman does not need to take medication or use hormonal manipulation. No procedures or fittings by a physician are required.

What are the different types of birth control methods?

Birth Control methods 1 Natural Birth Control. Natural birth control methods include total and continuous abstinence and the rhythm method. 2 Barrier Method. 3 Hormonal Method. 4 Intrauterine Devices (IUD) Intrauterine devices or IUDs are small T-shaped devices that are planted in the uterus. 5 Surgical Methods.

Are there any natural ways to prevent pregnancy?

Advocates of natural healing suggest that herbs can be effective at preventing pregnancy. Some believe that these herbs are preferable to chemical-based agents, synthetic hormones, and other popular methods of birth control.