For which of the following reasons is it important to be a critical viewer of advertisement that feature celebrities?

For which of the following reasons is it important to be a critical viewer of advertisement that feature celebrities?

Developing the Media Plan

Advertising Media Type Strengths
Television · Strong emotional impact · Mass coverage/small cost per impression · Repeat message · Creative flexibility · Entertaining/prestigious
Radio · Immediacy · Low cost per impression · Highly flexible

Why is critical thinking important in advertising?

Critical thinkers can use creative strategies to look for creative messages that they want people to see. Critical and creative thinking are important to the success of digital marketing professionals because creative ideas need creative thinkers and creative messages help support creative ideas.

What is the impact of a TV personality on the product or service that he she endorses?

With celebrities vouching for or promoting their products, brands can increase awareness, trust and familiarity, which are important variables in the purchase decision-making process. Consumers feel more sympathetic towards a brand, if their products are promoted by a celebrity they admire or relate to.

How do you critically analyze an ad?

How to Analyze an Advertisement

  1. What is the general ambience of the advertisement?
  2. What is the design of the advertisement?
  3. What is the relationship between pictorial elements and written material and what does this tell us?
  4. What is the use of space in the advertisement?
  5. What signs and symbols do we find?

How does advertising persuade the public?

Advertising is a communication strategy designed to convince consumers to buy a company’s products. Persuasive communication involves getting attention, generating interest, creating a desire for change and encouraging action.

What is critical viewing?

viewing by relating it to “criticality” (hence, the term “critical viewing”) as it is applied un. understanding everyday speech/communicative events framed in different modalities (e.g., linguistic, aural, visual, audio-visual) and politics (e.g., ideologies).