Does twenty-second have a hyphen?

Does twenty-second have a hyphen?

You should always hyphenate numbers when you are describing compound numbers between 21 and 99 (except 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 and 90). A compound number is any number that consists of two words; for example, eighty-eight, twenty-two, forty-nine. Numbers higher than 99 do not need a hyphen.

How is twenty-second spelled?


  1. 1 : number 22 in a countable series the twenty-second of the month.
  2. 2 : the quotient of a unit divided by 22 : one of 22 equal parts of something one twenty-second of the total.
  3. 3 Twenty-second : an organ stop of 1′ pitch.

What is the abbreviation for twenty-second?

22nd (not comparable) Abbreviation of twenty-second.

How do you write years in a sentence?

How to Write the Year. Years should be expressed as numerals except at the beginning of a sentence. Most style guides agree that beginning a sentence with a numeral is poor style, so years placed at the beginning of a sentence should be written out as words.

How do you write 2 year old?

When to Hyphenate Year Old “Year old” should be hyphenated when it modifies a noun that follows it. That is, when the phrase is describing the age of a person, place, or thing, and it precedes that noun in a sentence, then it should be written as year-old.

Is Twentytwo one word?

a cardinal number, 20 plus 2. a symbol for this number, as 22 or XXII.

Is a comma needed after a year in a sentence?

If you have the month-date-year format, a comma is always required after the year. If you just have a month and a year or a month and a day, using commas after dates depends on context: Correct: Our wedding in April 1993 was beautiful. Incorrect: Our wedding in April 1993, was beautiful.

How do you write the year 1996 in words?

The Number 1996 in Words 1996 is the one thousand nine hundred and ninety-sixth number.

How do you write 22 years old?

Summary: When to Hyphenate Year Old Here’s the rule, Hyphenate when expressing ages as adjectives before a noun or as substitutes for a noun. The 21-year-old woman gave a presentation.

How do you write grammar for Year Old?

“Year old” should be hyphenated when it modifies a noun that follows it. That is, when the phrase is describing the age of a person, place, or thing, and it precedes that noun in a sentence, then it should be written as year-old.

What is the dictionary definition of twenty second?

Definition of twenty-second (Entry 2 of 2) 1 : number 22 in a countable series the twenty-second of the month 2 : the quotient of a unit divided by 22 : one of 22 equal parts of something one twenty-second of the total 3 Twenty-second : an organ stop of 1′ pitch

When to write ” during the past 12 months “?

If you write “During 2011,” or “During the 2011-12 fiscal year,” or “During the past 12 months,” or “From April 2011 through March 2012,” the period covered is more clearly defined. For academic and fiscal years, use 2011-12, not 2011-2012. The single exception to this rule is at the end of a century, for example, 1999-2000.

What’s the best way to write four minutes and 30 seconds?

Different authorities recommend different solutions. You might see “four minutes and thirty seconds,” “four minutes and 30 seconds,” or even “4 minutes and 30 seconds.” But in most cases it would be better to write either “four and a half minutes” (with no hyphens) or “4 ½ minutes.”

Do you spell out the duration of time when you write 4 : 30?

If you write 4:30, you are indicating a particular time, not a duration of time. Since you are writing about minutes and seconds (two different categories), follow my rule that says this: If you have numbers in different categories, use numerals for one category and spell out the other.