Does Itzhak Stern trust Schindler?

Does Itzhak Stern trust Schindler?

He advocated for Schindler to be recognized more broadly, even writing a pamphlet about his rescue activity. Stern remained friends with Schindler for the rest of his life, corresponding with him until his death in 1969.

Why does Schindler see Itzhak Stern?

He uses his wealth, position, power, and confidence to his advantage. Why does Schindler go to see Itzhak Stern, the Jewish accountant? Schindler tells Stern that he will pay the investors in product, not money, because money was worthless in the ghettos.

Was Isaac Stern in Fiddler on the Roof?

The Dutilleux concerto, entitled L’arbre des songes [“The Tree of Dreams”] was a 1985 commission by Stern himself. He also dubbed actors’ violin-playing in several films, such as Fiddler on the Roof. He was also the featured violin soloist on the soundtrack for the 1971 film of Fiddler on the Roof.