Do nitroglycerin pills expire?

Do nitroglycerin pills expire?

The tablets kept in small, amber, tightly capped glass bottles in a refrigerator maintain their potency for three to five months if bottles are opened once a week. After five months the unused tablets should be discarded.

Can you take expired Nitro?

Yes, absolutely. Oral nitroglycerin (NTG), a medication used for angina (chest pain), may lose its potency quickly once the bottle is opened and should never be taken after the expiration date. “They will lose potency after their expiration date,” Tiemeier says.

How do you store nitroglycerin pills?

Store nitroglycerin pills in a dark-colored (such as brown), airtight, glass container that you cannot see through. Keep the container tightly closed. Keep nitroglycerin pills and liquid spray away from heat or moisture.

How often should nitroglycerin be refilled?

Contemporary practice favors refilling sublingual nitroglycerin (SL NTG) every 3 to 6 months.

How long does nitroglycerin last unopened?

Do not open your sublingual nitroglycerin until you need a dose. Replace your tablets every 3 to 6 months. A nitroglycerin spray may last up to 2 years before it expires. You may get a headache when you use nitroglycerin.

When should you take nitroglycerin?

Nitroglycerin is usually taken at the first sign of chest pain. You may use nitroglycerin sublingual within 5 to 10 minutes before an activity you think might cause chest pain. Try to rest or stay seated when you take nitroglycerin (may cause dizziness or fainting).

How often can you take nitroglycerin?

Nitroglycerin is not expensive and it is not habit forming. For this reason patients can take it several times a day without any harm. Slow release or extended-release capsules are usually taken in pill form 3 to 4 times a day.

What happens if you take nitroglycerin?

Taking nitroglycerin when not needed can lead to severe headaches for one. It also could lead to an unsafe drop in blood pressure and can cause tachycardia which is a rapid heart rate, palpitations and fainting.

How long does nitroglycerin last after opened?

The sublingual nitrogycerin tablets should be placed after 6 months, once the bottle is opened. Otherwise it is good until the expiry date on the bottle. 3 minutes after sublingual nitroglycerin administration and reaches a maximum by 5 minutes postdose.