What lesson did Cole learn from the Spirit Bear?

What lesson did Cole learn from the Spirit Bear?

Lesson Summary Through suffering, loneliness, and the power of rituals, he learns how his anger has contributed to his violent behavior. Cole learns to control that anger, and in doing so, he learns how to take responsibility for his actions and care for others.

What is the most important lesson that Cole has learned because of the mauling?

After the mauling of the spirit bear, Cold changed. He began to forgive himself which was a very big step for him. One thing Cole learnt was not to take life for granted. The main lessons Learnt in the novel are that Healing is better than punishment, Cole learning to control his anger, and learning to forgive.

What does the Spirit Bear mean to Cole?

The Spirit Bear that lives on the Alaskan island where Cole is sent symbolizes the power, beauty, and danger of the natural world—as well as Cole’s changing relationship to the natural world.

How did the Spirit Bear impact Cole?

The Spirt Bear teaches Cole some valuable lessons about humility and powerlessness when Cole tries to attack it directly. When Cole learns to become invisible, he is part of nature and can interact with the Spirit Bear without fear.

What is the author’s message in Touching Spirit Bear?

The major theme of the book is that you need to overcome your past before you can move forward. Cole learns that he cannot run away from his past. He has suffered, but that suffering is a part of him. He has to learn from his past, and how to overcome it.

What is the theme of the spirit bear?

Lesson Summary Major themes such as violence, personal transformation, and isolation show up in the novel Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelsen. The story follows a young man named Cole Matthews who is subjected to physical abuse at home by his father, which results in him lashing out at others.

What realization does Cole make after he decides he wants to live?

It is at this time that Cole decides he truly wants to live. He realizes that ”there is no control in death. ” He thinks about how he is the one responsible for his misery and he needs to be the one to change it.

What did Cole decide to do with the fur after this conversation Why?

What did Cole decide to do with the fur after his conversation with Edwin? Cole decides to throw away the fur. The conversation with Edwin makes Cole realize that he has always lied. The fur did not smell good.

What animals did Cole carve in Touching Spirit Bear?

In Touching Spirit Bear, Cole carves symbols into a totem pole, a traditional Native American sculpture. This meditative act teaches him respect for nature and trust of other living things. First he carves an eagle, then a wolf, beaver, bear, seal, sparrow, raven, salmon, and lightning.

What is the main theme of the book Touching Spirit Bear?

Major themes such as violence, personal transformation, and isolation show up in the novel Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelsen. The story follows a young man named Cole Matthews who is subjected to physical abuse at home by his father, which results in him lashing out at others.

What was Cole’s first instinct in Touching Spirit Bear?

Cole’s first instinct is to carve the log into a canoe so that he can paddle away from here. But working on the wood in this way brings back his feelings of anger. He becomes frustrated, and he takes out his aggression with each thrust of the knife. When he finally pauses to rest, he observes eagles flying over the bay.

What are the animals in Touching Spirit Bear?

In Touching Spirit Bear, Cole carves symbols into a totem pole. This meditative act teaches him respect for nature and trust of other living things. First he carves an eagle, then a wolf, beaver, bear, seal, sparrow, raven, salmon, and lightning.

Why did Cole choose the Beaver for his totem pole?

One morning at the pond, Cole sees a beaver swimming across the water. Cole greets the beaver. In choosing the beaver as his third totem, Cole celebrates the animal’s persistence, patience and ingenuity. Cole’s encounter with the beaver helps him learn stillness and trust. Now he’s ready to meet the Spirit Bear once again.

Why does Cole feel jealous of the baby birds?

When Cole first sees the nest in the tree above him, he feels jealous of the baby birds that have someone who loves them—the mother bird. The baby birds are a symbol of the love and affection that Cole has so craved but has not let into his life.Still he feels compassion for them as they lay there broken like he is.